Fellas, Gillette It Go Already
Hey dudes. This time I mean man-dudes, not the non-gender specific dudes. Sure, I won’t tell women not to read this, but if you are a...
American International Health & Well-Being
This is a short story not a blog, but I'm not creating a new website tab every six months when I decide to write something. If you like...
Life In A Cage
This is a short story, not so much a blog, but I can do what I want on my page. I hope you like it. My young daughter wanted a hamster;...
Jesus Chrysler
This is a short story, not so much a blog, but I can do what I want on my page. I hope you like it. St. Mary’s Church was, and still is,...
EdFringe Review Narin Oz: Addicted to Love
I give this show all the stars This is my first and only review of this year's Edinburgh Fringe. Am I qualified the review shows?...